4 Sites To Submit Articles For Pay.

There's been a lot of talk lately about low paying gigs. I promised that I would gather a list of places that pay better than $20 a batch or $5 an article. Here are 4 and as I find more, they'll be posted.

Auction Bytes-

Auction Bytes is for those who spend a lot of time on online auctions. For stories about collectable they pay a flat $20-contact for length. Columns are negotiable. They only pay for accepted and published material.

Looking For Clues-

Not as well known as Associated Content or eHow, but a reliable paying site that accepts article submissions. Unlike other sites, they actually review what is sent! The editor is friendly and offers suggestions on what needs to be improved if you are rejected. Pay is still on the low scale, $10-$25 for 800 words. The more interesting and better quality, the better your chances of getting the max and being invited to submit again. Pays by Paypal only upon acceptance.
(LFC is also hiring reviewers for YouTube videos now)

Demand Studios-

I don't like Demand. They owe me money, but there are tons of other writers that have been paid on time by them. So, one bad experience doesn't outweigh hundreds of positive. They pay around $15 per 400 words and by Paypal. You may also choose revenue share articles.


Textbroker.com pays a set amount per word depending upon the quality of your writing. While the lowest adds up to about $3.50 per 500 word article, if you provide very well written, professional quality content the pay is at least $25 per 500 words. You are paid directly into your Paypal account and must have at least $10 accured to be paid.
(You also have an option to set your own rates for orders)


Michelle Schusterman said...

Thanks, Julie!

Michelle (Enna)

Bill said...

Thanks for including LFC in your list. Also, thanks for your kind words about the site and its editor (me)! Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

I already write for DS and have been very happy with them, but I appreciate finding out about others; I didn't know abut LFC, thanks! Very handy list!